
Philosophy Universe: A podcast about science fiction, philosophy and fantasy. And everything in between!

(c) 2022 by Alfredo Mac Laughlin

Alfredo Mac Laughlin teaches philosophy at St. Ambrose University in Davenport. He is the publisher and editor of the Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy. (Check it out!) He is much admired by his fellows, and by his children in particular. He doesn’t know why he insists on writing in the third person.

If you are wondering about Alfredo’s accent, it is not Italian but close. It is from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where we speak Spanish with an Italian accent. We also think we are British. We are a very confused people.

Unless otherwise indicated, the art in this website and the music in the episodes are mine. They give my brain some respite from pure logic. Try it, it’s fun!

I hope that you enjoy the podcast, and mostly, that it gives you something to think about. We want to hear from you! Join the conversation!